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Interview: Ania Fucz vs Iren Racz

Interview: Ania Fucz vs Iren Racz

Možeš li se nam predstaviti (kategorija, klub, veštine koje praktikuješ, istorija u MMA – skor, ko te uveo u sport, itd.)?
My name is Ania Fucz, I’m 33 years old. My team is University of Fighting Düsseldorf, I live in Germany my weight is 58kg and my fight experience began in Muay Thai. After 45 fights I change to mma. My record is 3-0.

Prvi put na SBC-u, šta očekuješ?
it’s exciting to be the first woman who fights at Sbc. Therfore I hope that it will be an interesting and exciting fight for the public.

Kako su protekle pripreme za meč? U današnje vreme sve je veoma skupo, da li imate nečiju pomoć i podršku kada su u pitanju treninzi, putovanja, suplementi, oprema, posao, itd. ?
my Team help me to get everything in the fight preparation. I have very good trainers, who also fight for long years. My colleagues in the job support me also and I’m very happy to have Sponsors for equipment and suplements.

Očekivanja kada je u pitanju ishod zakazane borbe na SBC 5?
i expect a great show and a good opponent!

Poruka za navijače?
I wish you all a good show, I forward to seeing you there!

Možeš li se nam predstaviti (kategorija, klub, veštine koje praktikuješ, istorija u MMA – skor, ko te uveo u sport, itd.)?
Name: Irén Rácz, Weight: 58kg, Team: Cutler Fight Team, Skills: Mma, Mma record: 4 wins / 4losses, Trainer: László Hutai

Prvi put na SBC-u, šta očekuješ?
I was very happy when I’ve heard about it.

Kako su protekle pripreme za meč? U današnje vreme sve je veoma skupo, da li imate nečiju pomoć i podršku kada su u pitanju treninzi, putovanja, suplementi, oprema, posao, itd. ?
My training was very intense and my coach helped my a lot during the preparation. I see the SBC event as a very good opportunity to fight.

Očekivanja kada je u pitanju ishod zakazane borbe na SBC 5?
I’d like to win on the SBC events, of course.

Poruka za navijače?

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